Venison, Pork & Red Wine Pie With Roast Parsnips inspired by Game of Thrones (S06E10)

Game of Thrones, Arya serves Walder Frey a revenge pie. (S06E10, 47 mins 28 seconds)
Winter is coming and this is the perfect autumn warmer. Inspired by the iconic Red Wedding feast in Game of Thrones, this hearty meat pie is one you won’t forget. Tender venison and pork in a rich red wine sauce, topped with pastry and cooked to golden perfection – you’ll definitely agree it’s fit for the iron throne.
For 2 people [double for 4]
- 1 brown onion
- 8ml soy sauce
- 1 dried bay leaf
- 32g tomato paste
- 2 venison & pork burgers
- 5.5g beef stock mix
- 160g puff pastry
- 2 medium parsnips
- 10g red wine paste
- 1/2 tsp dried thyme
You’ll also need
- Flour, Sugar, Pepper, Butter & Oil.
Cooking instructions 30 mins
For 2 people [double for 4]
Step 1
Before you begin… this recipe takes around 5 min [10 min] to prep, so get your oven-proof dish and all your ingredients ready, then wash your fruit and veg.
Step 2
Step 3
Dust your work surface with a generous sprinkling of flour. Unwrap the puff pastry and roll it out with a rolling pin until it is large enough to cover the oven proof dish[es].
Step 4
Peel and chop the brown onion[s] into wedges. Add the chopped onion to the pan with 1 tsp [2 tsp] flour and the dried thyme. Give everything a good mix up and add 200ml [375ml] boiled water with the tomato paste, beef stock mix, soy sauce, bay leaf[ves] and red wine paste. Bring to the boil over a high heat – this is your pie mix.
Step 5
Transfer the pie mix to an oven-proof dish (or 2!) Top the pie mix with the rolled pastry and crimp round the edge with a fork. Score a cross in the middle of the pastry and put it in the oven for 20-22 min or until puffed up and golden and the meat is cooked through (no pink meat!) – this is your venison, pork and red wine pie.
Step 6
Top, tail and chop the parsnips into quarters lengthways, then into batons. Add the parsnip batons to a baking tray with a pinch of sugar, a knob of butter and a grind of pepper. Put the tray in the oven for 20-22 min or until tender – these are your caramelised parsnips.
Step 7
Serve the venison, pork & red wine pie with the caramelised parsnips to the side. Let everyone dig in!